A current VDMA lightning survey among 2922 decision-makers on the subject of corona virus and economic effects came to the following results:
- 60% of all machine builders surveyed already feel impairments. Most of them to a small to medium degree.
- All professional associations are affected.
- Disruptions are particularly evident in the supplier countries China and Italy
- For companies whose processes are still running smoothly, over 75% expect disruptions in the next three months, which can only be partially avoided by alternative suppliers
- Companies are unsure whether the defaults can be made up again in 2020: Over 45% of the companies that expect sales to decline expect a drastic drop in sales of over 10%.
- Almost half of all machine builders surveyed (45%) have already made capacity adjustments, mostly via the working time account, but also through short-time work. The downsizing is becoming an issue.
- Half of the companies are considering cutting their 2020 investment plans.
There is a detailed evaluation of the VDMA flash survey for VDMA members.