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Caparol Golf Cup

Caparol Golf Cup
Caparol Golf Cup

Video: Caparol Golf Cup

Video: Caparol Golf Cup
Video: Финал турнира BMW AVILON Golf Cup 13 сентября 2020г. 2023, November

Caparol Golfcup 2015 supports fundraising campaign for children and adolescents with cancer in Georgia.

The rain had just stopped when Caparol's managing director Guido Kuphal and the managing director of the Federal Association for Color Design Building Protection Rainer Huke sent the golfers on the round. In high summer temperatures, the participants offered excellent sports in Wiesensee on July 17, with Martin Geskes striking the day with an Eagle. At hole 7 he needed two strokes less than professionals in general (par 4).

Caparol hosted the Golf Cup for the eleventh time, and once again the participants enjoyed a charity tournament that Andreas Henschel and Knut Krastel won. Best of all, the approximately 80 golfers earned 5,000 euros for the fundraising campaign initiated by the University Hospital in Freiburg to help children and adolescents with cancer in Georgia. The benefit event "Sounds of Georgia - Literature and Music" designed by Heinz Gengenbach from Modautal also serves this purpose on October 10th in the Darmstadt cultural center Bessunger Knabenschule (www.knabenschule.de).

The University Children's Clinic in Freiburg has been in contact with the M. Iashvili Children's Central Hospital (Tbilisi) since 2003 and in 2015 agreed to cooperate with the “Solidarity Fund of Georgia” foundation. Since its inception, the foundation has raised over a million euros, eliminating financial hurdles for the treatment of cancer-prone children and adolescents under the age of 22 in Georgia. The aim of the fundraising campaign for 2015 and 2016 is to raise a total of 20,000 euros so that the correct diagnosis can be made for a total of 80 children and adolescents by experts in Germany under the leadership of the children's tumor registry in Kiel. Currently half of ten samples examined in Georgia are faulty, said Heinz Gengenbach: "With the donation of 5,000 euros, there are two winners,the children in Georgia and all participants of the Caparol Golf Cup."

Marketing manager Oliver Piontkowsky handed over a donation of 5,000 euros to children and adolescents with cancer in Georgia at the Caparol Golf Cup in Wiesensee Heinz Gengenbach (second from left). Andreas Henschel (left) and Knut Krastel (right) won the tournament in Wiesensee.

Source / Photo: Caparol Farben Lacke Bautenschutz
