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Old Rooms, New Acoustics

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Old Rooms, New Acoustics
Old Rooms, New Acoustics

Video: Old Rooms, New Acoustics

Video: Old Rooms, New Acoustics
Video: Don't Do This! # 10 - www.AcousticFields.com 2023, November

As in most historic buildings, acoustics is a problem in the former 18th century dicasterial building in Koblenz. The solution is both simple and ingenious: sound-absorbing hemp fiber panels printed with the likeness of historical figures. They look like normal picture prints: the over-the-height portraits of three historical master builders in the large lounge and meeting room of the LBB Rhineland-Palatinate state's branch, the Koblenz branch. But the portraits can decorate more than rooms and attract attention - at the same time they improve the acoustics in the baroque building with its mostly reverberant surfaces. And sustainably, because the CapaCoustic Picuture acoustic images from Caparol are not only acoustically effective, their absorber core consists of renewable hemp fibers. The fabric covering is supplied printed with the photo of your choice. The 1200 x 2400 millimeter portraits of Johann Philipp von Walderdorff, Franz Georg von Schönborn and Balthasar Neumann hang in the former dicasterial building in Koblenz-Ehrenbreitenstein. The Greek word is "dicasterium", which stood for the ancient Greek people's court in Athens. The dicasterial building was originally in the immediate vicinity of Philippsburg Castle, one of the most important and largest baroque buildings on the Rhine, which was destroyed by the French in 1801. The three gentlemen with the powdered curly heads are closely associated with the baroque administration building as famous builders and sovereigns. Elector Franz Georg Schönborn had the castle-like structure built at the foot of the Ehrenbreitstein in the mid-18th century,the plans for this came from the famous master builder Balthasar Neumann, builder of the Würzburg residence. And Johann Philipp von Walderdorff was the successor to the Trier Elector. He had the stables built and is responsible for the construction of other famous buildings. Acoustics As in most historic buildings, the acoustics in the former dicasterial building are poor. The baroque building, which had been converted for office use in 1936, was partially destroyed in the Second World War and rebuilt in 1947. The rooms are high, with open cross vaulted ceilings, large windows and marble floors. These smooth, hard surfaces cannot absorb the sound. It bounces off, creating a reverberation that affects communication. This happened in the large event room, which is also available to Koblenzers. Since soundproofing measures on the historic ceiling were difficult, only absorbers on the walls were considered. Images on hemp absorbers In this case, appealing location-based design should be combined with a function to improve acoustics. CapaCoustic Picture consists of a sound-absorbing hemp fiber board, which is edged with an aluminum frame and covered with an acoustically transparent fabric. The manufacturer of the ecological sound absorbers also takes care of printing on the covering. Any photo can be selected for this. The motif is checked by the Caparol Picture Upload Portal and uploaded directly for printing. The pictures are printed up to a height of three meters in any width. The elements become decorative objects in rooms and corridors. Not only can they be hung or glued to walls, they can also be suspended from the ceiling. There they are particularly effective due to the sound propagation. To improve the room acoustics, the pictures can also be used as room dividers, then with double-sided covering. Whether on the wall, ceiling or in the room, the hemp fiber core under the fabric absorbs the sound with its open-pore fibers and converts the energy into heat. CapaCoustic Picture is supplied as a complete kit. The frame made of an anodized 50 mm wide E6EV1 aluminum profile can also be powder-coated in RAL standard colors on request. Mounted in an aluminum frame In the lounge and meeting room of the LBB, gluing to the historic, uneven walls was out of the question.to let the photos look like real canvas pictures through the frame and the hemp fiber board. Like the original oil portraits of the three master builders who have their place in the Simeonstift Trier City Museum and whose photos served as a print template. As an additional graphic element, the pictures were given a wide, contrasting area above and below, with a lettering below with the names of the depicted. The color tone matches the environment. “We matched the original color of the historic columns and cross vaulted arches and adopted it according to the Histolith color card for the framing areas on the fabric prints. It worked great and is a fantastic fit,”says Sarah Stolz, sales representative at Caparol. Once delivered, employees of the Koblenz painting company of Horst Würzberger, supported by Sarah Stolz and Thomas Müller, MEG sales force, set about assembling the pictures. “We attached the pictures for the first time in Koblenz. The assembly took about two hours, it was easy and the quality is high,”says master painter Horst Würzberger. After the employees had joined two sides with corner brackets, the acoustic insulation panel was pushed in and then the second pre-assembled bracket was attached. Then the whole thing could be screwed and readjusted.painter Horst Würzberger reports. After the employees had joined two sides with corner brackets, the acoustic insulation panel was pushed in and then the second pre-assembled bracket was attached. Then the whole thing could be screwed and readjusted.painter Horst Würzberger reports. After the employees had joined two sides with corner brackets, the acoustic insulation panel was pushed in and then the second pre-assembled bracket was attached. Then the whole thing could be screwed and readjusted.

Construction board

Client: LBB Rhineland-Palatinate State Office, Koblenz Branch Wholesale: MEG Mülheim-Kärlich, Sales Representative Thomas Müller Executing companies: Horst Würzberger Painting Specialist, Koblenz Construction Management: Sandra Rindsfüsser, LBB Koblenz Group Manager Building Construction Caparol employee: Sarah Stolz Products: CapaCoustic Picture made from hemp fibers www.caparol.de
