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Innovation Award For Caparol

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Innovation Award For Caparol
Innovation Award For Caparol

Video: Innovation Award For Caparol

Video: Innovation Award For Caparol
Video: Как правильно покрасить стены своими руками при ремонте квартиры? Краска Caparol 2023, November

For the first time, a company has been awarded for an innovative development around the topics of living and building.

The interior colors of the CapaGeo product line are produced using BASF's biomass balance process and help to save fossil fuels. In the future, BASF Wohnen + Bauen will prefer to use these colors for all interior walls

The winner of the first Wohnen + Bauen Innovations Award was honored last night at a ceremony in Ludwigshafen. The award honors innovations from the areas of living and building. The award goes to Caparol Farben Lacke Bautenschutz GmbH. In cooperation with BASF, the company has developed two colors whose binders are produced using the biomass balance process based on sustainable biomass.

The colors Indeko Geo and CapaTrend Geo meet the highest requirements and offer the usual high quality from Caparol. They are also free from solvents, plasticizers and preservatives and are therefore also suitable for allergy sufferers. "It is very important to us to use sustainable and innovative products in the construction and modernization of apartments - both in the interest of the environment and of our customers," said Johanna Coleman, Managing Director of BASF Wohnen + Bauen GmbH. "That's why we decided to use the two colors of the CapaGeo product line in our inventory for the interior walls." BASF Wohnen + Bauen paints about 100,000 square meters of wall space per year. When using the CapaGeo interior wall paints, around 3,400 liters of crude oil are saved annually compared to conventional paints.

Wolfgang Hoffmann (second from right) and Werner Aumann (third from right), both Caparol Farben Lacke Bautenschutz GmbH, accept the Wohnen + Bauen Innovations Award. Presented by: Rolf Haselhorst (second from left), Head of European Location Management BASF SE, Johanna Coleman (right), Managing Director of BASF Wohnen + Bauen GmbH and Dr. Dirk Voeste (left), Vice President Sustainability Strategy BASF SE

Die Einsparung kommt zustande, da die Dispersion für das Bindemittel nach dem Biomassenbilanz-Verfahren der BASF hergestellt wird. Dabei werden am Anfang des Produktionsprozesses 100 Prozent der benötigten fossilen Rohstoffe durch Rohstoffe aus nachhaltiger Biomasse ersetzt. Eingesetzt werden Pflanzenöle, Abfallfette und Biogas, die nach den Kriterien anerkannter Zertifizierungssysteme als nachhaltige Biomasse eingestuft sind. Auch bei der Wahl der Farbeimer setzt Caparol auf Ressourcenschonung – diese bestehen aus recycelten Kunststoffen. „Der Einsatz nachhaltiger Biomasse trägt dazu bei, fossile Ressourcen einzusparen und Treibhausgase zu reduzieren. Caparol setzt mit den Farben Indeko Geo und CapaTrend Geo neue Maßstäbe für die ressourcenschonende Herstellung von Wandfarben“, sagt Dr. Dirk Voeste, Vice President Sustainability Strategy, BASF SE.

The winner of the Wohnen + Bauen Innovations Award was selected by a jury made up of experts from the construction and housing sectors. The criteria for the selection were innovation potential, market attractiveness and environmental protection as well as social impacts. All companies with a partnership relationship with BASF Wohnen + Bauen could apply.

About BASF Wohnen + Bauen

BASF Wohnen + Bauen GmbH provides a wide range of attractive and contemporary apartments for the employees of BASF and a broad target group of the population. The company currently owns almost 6,500 apartments in Ludwigshafen and the surrounding area. BASF Wohnen + Bauen operates sustainably for a future worth living. It is economically successful and has taken on an ecological and technical pioneering role. Through innovative concepts, the use of BASF products and socially responsible action, the housing company contributes to sustainable and future-oriented development in the construction and housing sector.

About BASF

BASF stands for chemistry that connects - for a sustainable future. We combine economic success with environmental protection and social responsibility. Around 114,000 employees in the BASF Group work to contribute to the success of our customers from almost all industries and in almost every country in the world. We have combined our portfolio in the Chemicals, Performance Products, Functional Materials & Solutions, Agricultural Solutions and Oil & Gas segments. BASF generated sales of around € 58 billion worldwide in 2016. BASF is listed on the stock exchanges in Frankfurt (BAS), London (BFA) and Zurich (BAS). Further information is available at www.basf.com.
