Video: The Price For The Industry

2023 Author : Hannah Pearcy | [email protected] . Last modified: 2023-11-26 11:39
You can register for Dr. Apply for Murjahn promotional award. What are you waiting for?
The award for the painting and varnishing trade honors specialist companies, individuals or educational institutions that have drawn attention to themselves through outstanding performance and thus provide groundbreaking impulses for the entire painting trade. Applications are possible in the categories "Innovations / Technical Solutions", "Management", "Training and Further Education", "Color and Design" and "Other Initiatives in the Painting and Varnishing Crafts".
The promotional award presented by the Chairman of the Board of Directors of DAW SE, Dr. Klaus Murjahn, who started in 2011 to support the German painting and varnishing trade, is endowed with 50,000 euros. The partner is the Federal Association for Color Design Building Protection. The prize is awarded regardless of which materials the painter uses or which manufacturer he works with.
A “Special Prize for Young Masters” has also been awarded for the current competition this year. The excellent young painter should receive 5,000 euros. Young master painters who are not older than 25 years can apply for this special price. The award-winning projects can include, for example, a first-class master examination project or special tasks that the young elite in the painter's craft took on with flying colors. Outstanding craftsmanship or unusual color designs can also be considered as a topic for an application. The application documents and further details are available on the Internet at "www. Dr-Murjahn-Foerderpreis.de".
With Target Price Formulas For The Right Balance Between Customer Benefit And Production Costs

Which product variant costs the least and at the same time offers the greatest customer benefit? Designers can answer this question with the so-called NLPP method, which provides precise forecast formulas for costs and sales prices
All-round Service With A Transparent Price Structure For System Availability

A high level of system availability is essential in systems in the food, luxury food and pharmaceutical industries; unnecessary downtimes are intolerable, says the fluidics expert B?u00fcrkert
Support And Cam Rollers In Use In Telescopic Forks: When Quality And Price Are Right

Telescopic forks are mainly used in logistics: In warehouses they are the interface between the load to be transported and the storage and retrieval machine (RBG) and are therefore exposed to enormous loads which the storage technology used must be able to withstand. The R /u00f6mer F /u00f6rdertechnik GmbH relies on products from support rollers and ball bearings from Findling Rolling Bearings
Apply Now For Negative Price "Plagiarius"

Product and brand piracy pose a major threat to the economy and consumers. Until November 30, 2016, companies can therefore submit alleged counterfeits of their products for the negative competition /u201ePlagiarius /u201d. The price puts the counterfeits in the public light and exhibits them at the consumer fair /u201eAmbiente /u201d
Manufacture Additively Or Subtractively - Decide Price And Material

Murtfeldt has been producing plastic components for mechanical engineering for more than 60 years, making use of machining. After an intensive test phase and testing of various 3D printing processes, the plastics processor has also been offering the additive manufacturing process in parallel to metal-cutting production since last autumn