Encyclopedia 2023

Care Of Paint Surfaces

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Care Of Paint Surfaces
Care Of Paint Surfaces

Video: Care Of Paint Surfaces

Video: Care Of Paint Surfaces
Video: Care And Maintenance For Painted Surfaces 2023, April

Regular cleaning and maintenance of painted and glazed surfaces can save money.

Regular maintenance is a basic requirement for the maintenance of coated components. Executed at the right time, a simple overhaul coating is usually sufficient. But sometimes more effort is required.

More and more property owners and tenants are enthusiastic about opaque and glazed facade components on the building. But which maintenance and renovation intervals are possible? And who is responsible for it? Homeowners often do not know how to use maintenance and cleaning. They often only become active when dirt and damaged areas are clearly visible. Due to the late reaction, the renovations are more complex and therefore more expensive.

The specialist craftsman is therefore quite surprised when the owner and the client complain about the painting work that has been carried out after a few years because they detect algae, fungus and heavy pollution on the outside. In addition, tenants are often of the opinion that window cleaning, especially the cleaning of windows, doors, balcony railings and other external components, is a matter for the landlord. This is often confused with the owner's obligation to renovate or maintain.

Proper care includes cleaning and maintenance. It only contributes to the long-term function of paint and glaze coating on components when used together. Cleaning can be the same on a wide variety of components, but maintenance can be very different. Just as different and mostly not so aware of which dirt is deposited on the surfaces. In addition to dust, soot, pollen, algae and fungal spores as well as swaths of fat and nicotine, excrement from spiders, flies, birds and much more are possible, which attack the surface after a short exposure time in connection with moisture from rain, fog, snow or condensation.

Eine regelmäßige gewissenhafte und allseitige Reinigung lackierter und lasierter Bauteiloberflächen hat den Vorteil, dass Eigentümer und Mieter schon beim Reinigen kleinere Schäden erkennen können. Es kann dadurch rechtzeitig Abhilfe geschaffen werden, indem der Fachhandwerker mit dem Ausbessern der Teilflächen beauftragt wird. Eine solche Vorgehensweise ist in den letzten Jahrzehnten aufgrund vermehrten Verwendens von Kunststoff- und Edelstahlbauteilen verloren gegangen. Häufig gehen Betroffene heute fälschlicherweise davon aus, dass in der Gewährleistungszeit weder gereinigt noch gewartet werden muss. Denn bei der Beschichtung von Holzbauteilen liegen die „Verschleißzeiten“bzw. die Zeit bis zur ersten erforderlichen Pflegemaßnahme teilweise innerhalb der Gewährleistungszeiten.

The expected service life of a coating can be found in the BFS Leaflet No. 18 "Coatings on wood outdoors". The BFS leaflet represents the currently recognized state of the art in painting and painting. Accordingly, a covering coating on wooden components heavily stressed in accordance with DIN EN 927-1 can be expected with maintenance intervals of four to five years and with glazing coatings of two to three years. It should be taken into account that the wear on coatings does not show suddenly, but is a continuously progressing process - starting about a year after execution. As a planning aid for the maintenance and repair of wooden facades, Caparol offers the Capadur wooden chronograph.

This is how unkempt components look on the outside - eg on windows …

or railings - off.

Galvanized metal components

The usual metal components, for example in the form of beams, supports, railings and stairs, are usually factory-galvanized. The selection of the coating system depends on the subsequent stress, the use of the component and the desired appearance of the finished surface. Coating materials for zinc surfaces are specially composed. The paint manufacturer must ensure the suitability of the coating on zinc.

Special varnishes, such as the one-component Capalac thick-film varnish for the coating of steel components and galvanized steel components, can apply a double coating to the corrosion category C 3 M (duration of protection according to DIN EN ISO 12944: 5 to 15 years) and with a triple coating the Corrosivity category C 4 H (protection period according to DIN EN ISO 12944: over 15 years). The term of protection is often equated with the "warranty period". But it is not. It is a technical term that can help the client or owner to define a repair program. The warranty period is a legal term that is the subject of contractual terms. The warranty period is generally shorter than the duration of protection.

What to look out for?

If coatings on wooden substrates or galvanized components are damaged during use by sharp-edged or hard objects (e.g. ladder, window cleaning squeegee or fastenings for flower boxes, cladding, clothes lines with cable ties, etc.), the exposed wood or zinc surface can be combined with unfavorable damp conditions react. Small scratches and abrasions on the edges are enough to absorb moisture and form the so-called blue fungus attack on wood and the white rust on zinc. The moisture can infiltrate the coating in the edge areas of the damaged areas and then cause it to peel off. The guarantee of the manufacturer of coating materials therefore does not include the usual weather or usage-related signs of wear,but only production defects and the basic and promised suitability for the respective application.

Fungus infestation due to inadequate cleaning of the window and door rebates, promoted by permanent tilting.

What applies indoors?

Indoor glaze and lacquer surfaces are less exposed to the weather than is the case outdoors. Nevertheless, there is a room climate and climate change that are caused by the residents and their usage behavior. As a result, heating and ventilation behavior that is not optimal can cause mold spores with moisture to form on glass seals. A breeding ground if the seals already have a dirty coating due to lack of cleaning. The same can occur in the door and window rebates; because what usually looks like dust and dirt later turns out to be mold.

If you want wooden windows to be denser and living rooms to be insect-free, you should avoid using sealing profiles and insect protection nets to glue them into the window and door rebates. Special care is required here, as plasticizers can migrate from the adhesive into the lacquer and glaze layer. This can lead to discoloration, sticking and damage. Basically, this applies to all types of stickers that are used on coated components. This thoughtless damage to property could become expensive for a tenant when moving out if windows and doors have to be professionally restored.

Even greasy and oily substances that are brought to the surface through the use of doors, frames and other components can penetrate into the coating in the long term and lead to discolouration and even softening. Not to forget the varnished parquet and the wooden steps of the stairs. The best cleaning is of no use there, if you do not make sure that there are no grains of split and sand under the shoes. These deposits act like sandpaper and should be removed from the surface as quickly as possible. Pushing, pulling and moving furniture, which causes scratches or minor damage, does not exactly contribute to the durability of the protective or decorative coating.

This staircase was damaged by split grains on shoes.

If there are scratches and damage down to the raw wood, the entire coating must be sanded down and reapplied. Small scratches and abrasions on the edges are enough to absorb moisture. The result is stains and water wreaths that occur when the cleaning is too damp and when the shoes are wet. The water can also infiltrate the coating in the edge areas of the damaged areas and then cause it to peel off by swelling of the wood. Lacquered and glazed wooden floor surfaces and steps are subject to a warranty obligation towards the client or client, like all other coated components. This warranty does not apply to missing, incomplete or faulty cleaning and maintenance or incorrect use.


It was shown what damage can occur if there is no regular, timely and, above all, careful cleaning. Cleaning and maintenance are a must for every owner and tenant. Everyone should be aware that maintenance is not free. It is crucial that the specialist immediately draws attention to the need for this maintenance. He must recommend regular cleaning because owners and tenants expect to be informed properly. If they then fail to provide care, they must bear the consequences.

In the appendix you will find a care guide for Capalac, Capacryl and Capadur lacquers and glazes.

This is how well-maintained components should present themselves indoors.

Malerblatt 12/2014

Peter P. Jaeger

Photos: Caparol

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