Inspiration 2023

Color On Cruise Ships

Color On Cruise Ships
Color On Cruise Ships

Video: Color On Cruise Ships

Video: Color On Cruise Ships
Video: Why Cruise Ships Are White 2023, March

Sophisticated interior design and intense colors characterize the interior design of the large cruise ships.

On luxury liners, an opulent color experience is a must in all interiors. There are special requirements for ship colors.

Only with certified ship colors can many a colorful evening on the fleets of the megaliner of this world become a little more colorful. The paint manufacturer Zero-Lack is making a clear ship on all seven seas, because national and international shipbuilders rely on the manufacturer from Bad Oeynhausen. "Our reference list of the past ten years contains over 60 cruise ships, ferries, research ships and yachts," says Zero Marketing Manager Harald Kranz. Among other things, nine AIDA cruise ships and five celebrity cruises are immersed in a sea of colors.


Flame retardant surface materials and paints are processed - often as a decorative system. Qualified painting companies not only from the coast, but also from the inland do this work at the shipyard until they are handed over to the shipping company. Many of the manufacturer's products comply with the strict marine equipment guidelines (for example fire testing according to DIN EN 4102, US Coast Guard approval). They have proven themselves in the decorative interior design of inland and sea-going vessels.

Wheel mark icon

With a symbolized steering wheel (wheel mark) on the label, over 20 selected primers, fillers, adhesives, varnishes, insulating and interior paints from Zero-Lack are identified. This symbol is not a symbol of any organization, but has a very specific background: The European Union developed the Maritime Equipment Directive (MED) in 1999 to ensure the free movement of marine equipment within the EU. International test standards apply - including the international convention for the protection of human life at sea (SOLAS). The products for marine equipment are subjected to a conformity assessment procedure (see also PraxisPlus box).

The manufacturer is subjected to a quality assurance test. In Germany, approval is granted by BG-Verkehr, Ship Safety, and is documented by an EC type examination certificate and a quality certificate. If the test is passed, the manufacturer of the products puts the "steering wheel" symbol, the identification number of the notified body and the last digits of the year of identification on his label.

Zero-Lack offers a whole range of products that are labeled accordingly; they are on board and increase safety on cruise, passenger, research and ferry ships as well as ocean-going yachts.


A symbolized steering wheel (wheel mark) is the symbol of conformity for all marine equipment that is subject to Directive 96/98 / EC. Only containers with a symbolized steering wheel on the label may be used on EU ocean-going and inland waterway vessels.

More information can be found at:

Malerblatt 07/2017

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