Training 2023

Apply Fungicide To The Facade Paint - No More Algae And Moss

Apply Fungicide To The Facade Paint - No More Algae And Moss
Apply Fungicide To The Facade Paint - No More Algae And Moss

Video: Apply Fungicide To The Facade Paint - No More Algae And Moss

Video: Apply Fungicide To The Facade Paint - No More Algae And Moss
Video: Removing algae from external facades — Weber Renders & Decorative Finishes 2023, March

Should the facade paint be fungicidal? This question cannot be answered with "yes" or "no". Because the topic is very complex. Algae and fungi are actually found everywhere. However, their appearance on the facades of buildings in particular leads to annoyance and incomprehension.

Apart from the unsightly appearance, it is unfortunately a fact that the possibility of an infestation basically exists. Various factors must therefore be taken into account when assessing the object and deciding on a fungicidal color. On the one hand, the construction and execution of the building must be examined, e.g. B.

· Structural weather protection (roof overhang), Possible thermal bridges, · The formation of the base or the connections.

The environment also has a significant impact on whether a facade can be infected by fungi and algae more quickly. For example, is there an overgrowth of trees or shrubs? Is there a body of water, whether a stream, river or pond, in the area?

Do neighboring buildings require permanent shading of the facade? Do agricultural areas exist in the immediate vicinity? These and other questions are relevant.

In addition, the muralist is an important criterion in itself. As a result of the lower surface temperature, insulated outer walls tend to be more affected by algae or mold. It does not matter whether you worked with insulation plasters, thermal insulation composite systems or highly heat-insulating masonry.

Conclusion: The moisture on and around the facade plays a key role. It is therefore important to analyze these object- and location-specific circumstances carefully before starting work. A targeted use of color will protect the house facade from microbial infestation in the best possible way. For this purpose, the painter has facade paints with algicidal and fungicidal finishing, highly alkaline silicate paints as well as hydrophobic and hydrophilic systems. Despite the active effect of these products, there will probably be no panacea in the future.

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