Training 2023

Heavy Pollution Above The Windows? Question Of The Month

Heavy Pollution Above The Windows? Question Of The Month
Heavy Pollution Above The Windows? Question Of The Month

Video: Heavy Pollution Above The Windows? Question Of The Month

Video: Heavy Pollution Above The Windows? Question Of The Month
Video: Why I Killed the Windows Startup Sound 2023, April

Most people know this, you walk past an apartment building and it is noticeable that heavy soiling can be seen above some windows. How does this phenomenon come about? And how do you get it away?

Let us first consider how this happens. The pollution can almost always be seen on highly insulated wall art. What is remarkable about these windows is that they are tilted often, almost all day. Warm and, above all, moist air draws along the outer wall. The highly insulated mural has a very cold surface, especially in the cold seasons. This is reflected in the humidity of the air from the interior through the tilted window.

However, it is relatively easy to get something under control. After thorough cleaning of the facade, it is best to use a high-quality "real" silicone resin paint, such as. B. ZERO Siliconit RenoTec, coated. This provides excellent protection for the facade. However, to permanently banish the phenomenon, the ventilation behavior of the residents must change completely.

The windows should no longer be tilted permanently! If necessary, e.g. B. in kitchens and / or bathrooms, you should - if possible every 2 to 3 hours - rely on ventilation. For this purpose, the windows in two opposite rooms are completely opened for approx. 5 minutes (ideally 3 to 5 times a day). On the website of the German Energy Agency (dena) there is helpful practical information on the subject of correct ventilation. If you take that into account, the facade remains beautiful for a long time.

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