Table of contents:
- Malerblatt: How do you see the algae problem on the facade in your company?
- Malerblatt: What measures, methods or products do you recommend to prevent or delay algae growth?
- Malerblatt: On which factors are these measures dependent (old building / new building, insulated / non-insulated facades, painted / uncoated plasters, …)?
- Malerblatt: What are your trade customers more likely to use: biocide-free or biocide-containing products? Can the ratio be quantified?
- Malerblatt: What needs to be considered when dealing with biocide?

Video: Algae And Mushrooms - Baumit

The Malerblatt in conversation with Markus Haberland, Color Product Manager and Olaf Janotte, Application Technology Baumit.
Malerblatt: How do you see the algae problem on the facade in your company?
Baumit: Algae on the facade were and still are an issue. This will not change, especially due to the changed growth conditions (better air quality), since the building owners are also very sensitive to vegetation on the facade.
Malerblatt: What measures, methods or products do you recommend to prevent or delay algae growth?
Build with: The most sensible measure is always a professional water supply. Sufficient roof overhangs are often able to keep the load on the facade so low that algae growth does not occur or only occurs in extreme situations. We also use the classic biocides in our pasty top coats and exterior paints to delay algae growth. In terms of product, growth can be prevented by adding encapsulated biocides over a relatively long period of time. Biocides are poisons that run off the facade in small doses and can then accumulate in the ground. This is of course environmentally relevant. Since it is necessary to wash out the biocide in order to start the process of killing algae, you have to be clear aboutthat this measure is in any case limited in time. For this reason, we rely on photocatalysis for our products NanoporTop (plaster) and NanoporColor (paint). Organic substances such as algae are destroyed on the surface when exposed to light and can then be removed from the facade by wind and rain. After the catalytically active substances are not used up, this effect is preserved for the life of the plaster or paint. No further damage to the environment occurs - apart from killing the algae. However, classic systems, such as high-quality scratching plaster, can also counteract algae growth, since a constant chalking on the surface also removes algae, so that growth occurs with a delay. For this reason, we rely on photocatalysis for our products NanoporTop (plaster) and NanoporColor (paint). Organic substances such as algae are destroyed on the surface when exposed to light and can then be removed from the facade by wind and rain. After the catalytically active substances are not used up, this effect is preserved for the life of the plaster or paint. No further damage to the environment occurs - apart from killing the algae. However, classic systems, such as high-quality scratching plaster, can also counteract algae growth, since a constant chalking on the surface also removes algae, so that growth occurs with a delay. For this reason, we rely on photocatalysis for our products NanoporTop (plaster) and NanoporColor (paint). Organic substances such as algae are destroyed on the surface when exposed to light and can then be removed from the facade by wind and rain. After the catalytically active substances are not used up, this effect is preserved for the life of the plaster or paint. No further damage to the environment occurs - apart from killing the algae. However, classic systems, such as high-quality scratching plaster, can also counteract algae growth, since a constant chalking on the surface also removes algae, so that growth occurs with a delay.destroyed on the surface when exposed to light and can then be removed from the facade by wind and rain. After the catalytically active substances are not used up, this effect is preserved for the life of the plaster or paint. No further damage to the environment occurs - apart from killing the algae. However, classic systems, such as high-quality scratching plaster, can also counteract algae growth, since a constant chalking on the surface also removes algae, so that growth occurs with a delay.destroyed on the surface when exposed to light and can then be removed from the facade by wind and rain. After the catalytically active substances are not used up, this effect is preserved for the life of the plaster or paint. No further damage to the environment occurs - apart from killing the algae. However, classic systems, such as high-quality scratching plaster, can also counteract algae growth, since a constant chalking on the surface also removes algae, so that growth occurs with a delay. However, classic systems, such as high-quality scratching plaster, can also counteract algae growth, since algae are also removed by constantly chalking on the surface, so that growth occurs with a delay. However, classic systems, such as high-quality scratching plaster, can also counteract algae growth, since algae are also removed by constantly chalking on the surface, so that growth occurs with a delay.
Malerblatt: On which factors are these measures dependent (old building / new building, insulated / non-insulated facades, painted / uncoated plasters, …)?
Baumit: Construction measures, such as a correspondingly large roof overhang, are usually only implemented in the new building area for cost reasons. Of course, the typical local construction or architecture of a building also play a role, which do not allow a high roof overhang. The choice of an appropriately equipped plaster or paint is independent of the new and old building or insulated and uninsulated facade.
Malerblatt: What are your trade customers more likely to use: biocide-free or biocide-containing products? Can the ratio be quantified?
Baumit: Mainly biocidal materials are used; the share should be at least 95%. This is mainly due to the fact that the number of biocide-free products is significantly lower than that of biocide-containing ones.
Malerblatt: What needs to be considered when dealing with biocide?
Baumit: The amounts of biocide used in the products (plaster, paint) are so small that no additional measures are required. Processing is carried out in accordance with those not treated with biocides. Only the use of these products should remain restricted to the outside area.
Malerblatt: Do you offer alternatives?
Baumit: As already described above, our answers for protection against algae formation are the products NanoporTop and NanoporColor.
Malerblatt: What other aspects should you consider when dealing with algae and fungus problems?
Baumit: Processing-related defects and / or increased building moisture can also contribute to the algae problem. If e.g. B. Butt joints in the panel area are too wide and are not properly closed, the water vapor flow from inside can lead to vegetation on the exterior plaster. The higher the amount of moisture in the subsoil, the stronger it can be. Correspondingly longer construction times or professional protection of the building shell against precipitation (covering the wall crown after the end of work) would be helpful here.