Inspiration 2023

Simply Smooth Surfaces

Simply Smooth Surfaces
Simply Smooth Surfaces

Video: Simply Smooth Surfaces

Video: Simply Smooth Surfaces
Video: Lecture 12: Smooth Surfaces I (Discrete Differential Geometry) 2023, March

We reveal which fillers from ALLIGATOR are suitable for smooth surfaces.

Large and uneven surfaces are always a challenge if the result is a flat and smooth wall. Especially under deadline pressure and aspects of economy.

To meet these requirements, pasty fillers are ideal for such projects.

One of the top products from ALLIGATOR on a dispersion basis, lightweight spatula coarse LEF, is the all-rounder when it comes to possible applications. This leveling compound has been exciting for more than 20 years with its smoothness and high filling capacity. Equally optimally set for processing with a trowel or with airless devices and screw pumps. Regardless of how rough filler LEF is processed: the crack-free drying up to 6 mm layer thickness is just as convincing as the good sandability and feltability. For safe indoor use, it is free of solvents and plasticizers.

Anyone wanting to go one step further in terms of healthy living is best advised with ALLIGATOR's LEF Kieselit lightweight filler. The bestseller among the ready-to-use fillers offers preventive protection against mold on wall and ceiling surfaces. It is Kieselit-Leichtspachtel LEF course silicate and thus offers little potential for causing allergies. It not only stands for a healthy indoor climate, but also for easy handling. This filler is suitable for hand and spray processing. It also has a high filling capacity and is easy to sand and felt.

Both lightweight coarse filler LEF and Kieselit lightweight filler LEF find their top system product in the ALLFAtexx filler fleece. Under the motto “Arming instead of filling several times”, this is the optimal team solution for substrates that normally require a double filling.

You can achieve the perfect result efficiently, quickly and cleanly: a flat, smooth surface. Dust generation, daily cleaning of machine equipment and pot lives are a thing of the past.

By the way: from 29.10. By 15.12.2018 you will receive an ALLIGATOR fleece hat free of charge if you purchase 4 or more containers of 20 kg of lightweight spatula coarse LEF or Kieselit lightweight spatula LEF . Only valid for participating retailers while stocks last.

Further information on the LEF light filler and the LEF Kieselit light filler can be found at


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