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Video: Up Safely

Working platforms are practical helpers. Careful handling of them is a must for safe work. Susanne Wierse The use of a working platform is a good alternative to the scaffolding when the downtimes are short and the renovation task can be controlled selectively. Obstacles such as facade ledges can also be overcome by a work platform. Depending on the task, a variety of different models such as truck, trailer, scissor or crawler work platforms are available. Basically, there are two types of equipment: one is moved during use (e.g. scissor lift), the other has a fixed substructure and is only moved when the telescopic or extension arm is retracted (truck aerial work platform and trailer platforms). To decideWhich stage is to be used, the object conditions such as space for setting up the stage, the height and width of the driveway and the underground conditions must be clarified. Safety Particular attention must be paid to safety when using height access devices. Accidents on the construction site often have serious consequences. However, they can be avoided with a properly maintained and safely installed work platform. In Germany, the Industrial Safety Ordinance (BetrSichV) applies, which regulates, among other things, the use of work equipment by employees. Aerial work platforms are classified as systems that do not require monitoring. This means that they can be operated without special operator authorization. However, there are platforms for a working height range between four and 100 meters. For safe handling and to rule out hazards, both properly maintained work platforms and trained employees should be entrusted with the work. Whether rented or bought: the aerial work platform must be checked and serviced at least once a year (professional association rule BGR 260 / 2.1). According to Section 10 of the BetrSichV, the employer must ensure that the aerial work platform is checked and serviced regularly, as otherwise safety for the operating personnel cannot be guaranteed. Rental work platform The hirer can request the following points for the rental equipment: A copy of the test book, the test badges for the work platform and for truck work platforms also for the vehicle. The dates must not have been exceeded. The device is well maintained and in pristine condition. It is equipped with all prescribed safety elements, such as forced shutdowns, dead man's switch, automatic support control, shutdown bar, column safety device, load limitation. A detailed instruction manual is available. A brief version of the operating instructions is on the device, all controls and safety devices are clearly marked and explained. At the handover, all operating parts are explained in detail. All movements (lifting, lowering, lateral extension) are carried out by the person to be instructed and the safety functions are tested. Handover and instruction will be confirmed in writing. Tenant's Obligation But the tenant of a work platform also has the following obligations: The employee intended to operate the work platform must be 18. Have completed their year of life and have been commissioned by their client in writing. The employee is instructed in the operation of the working platform and the driver of the working platform or the towing vehicle of trailer working platforms has a corresponding valid driver's license. A suitable towing vehicle must also be used for trailer working platforms. Secure stand If a scissor lift is used on the construction site that is moved during the work, it is absolutely necessary to walk the path beforehand and search for recesses, edges or other unevenness. The refurbishment object should also be checked for ceiling joists, disruptive pipelines or other structural conditions in order to avoid the risk of possible crushing. Truck, trailer and caterpillar work platforms stand on supports. The operator is responsible for assessing the load-bearing capacity of access routes and supports. It therefore makes sense to find out about the load-bearing capacity of the subsurface before starting work. The instructions in the operating instructions must be followed during assembly. These work platforms must always be set up horizontally using the supports. Depending on the soil conditions, shims are to be used. These must be stable and laid flat so that the load is distributed evenly. The support leg must be in the middle of the base plate. This is the only way to ensure that the supports do not slip. Under no circumstances may the work platform be supported on a manhole cover or other cavities. Whether the purchase of a working platform for the painting business is worthwhiledepends on the days of use, the quick availability and the objects to be processed. A rental company for work platforms usually not only has a wide range of equipment available for painting, but also advises on equipment selection. A specialist gives instruction on how to use the work platform, as well as assistance with location selection / protection and technical faults.
The Dorn Lift company has been offering competent, needs-oriented and future-oriented advice on the selection of a work platform for over 30 years. Only in the context of detailed advice and demonstration will it become clear whether a truck working platform, a scissor lift platform, a self-propelled or a trailer platform is the right choice. For the manufacturers, Dorn Lift relies on Hinowa and Multitel. Dorn Lift Tel.: +43 (0) 5574 73688
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Platform rental company on the Internet: www.