Training 2023

Wallpaper In Focus: The Wallpaper Qualities At A Glance

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Wallpaper In Focus: The Wallpaper Qualities At A Glance
Wallpaper In Focus: The Wallpaper Qualities At A Glance

Video: Wallpaper In Focus: The Wallpaper Qualities At A Glance

Video: Wallpaper In Focus: The Wallpaper Qualities At A Glance
Video: How to Set Auto Change Wallpaper in Samsung A72 | Dynamic Wallpaper,Glance Off,Lock Screen Magazine 2023, March

The idea of a wall hanging made of textile, leather or other natural materials and thus the forerunners of the wallpaper came from the desire for a comfortable environment. Today, a wide variety of materials are used to make wallpapers .

Author: Constanze Wingender | Photos: Marburg

Walls are the largest areas of a room. Your design determines its effect. Whether inviting, distant or even hygge (Danish: feeling of happiness) - the appearance of the walls plays a major role in whether we like to be in a room or not. The direct forerunners of the wallpaper qualities as we know them today include, for example, the wonderful tapestries of the Middle Ages. They not only looked beautiful, but also insulated and made sure that it became a little more homely in the castles and fortresses in winter.

According to the Association of German Wallpaper Manufacturers, the first printed wall papers date from the 14th century. At that time, paper production was still considered a craft. Only when printing came to paper did a kind of series production become possible: so-called "domino papers", primarily in England and France, were created, individual sheets of paper with repeatable patterns, which allowed a continuous surface design. The paper strips were both hung and glued and not only decorated walls, but also cupboards and bookshelves.

Over time, England developed into the leading wallpaper nation. The first floor-to-ceiling wallpaper webs were built there at the end of the 17th century. This development culminated in panoramic wallpapers, which show landscapes and cityscapes on up to 32 tracks.

The breakthrough for wallpaper production as we know it today is the period around 1830, when the invention of the circular scoop made continuous paper possible. The first step towards the industrial production of wallpaper had been taken and the constructed machines finally paved the way for inexpensive mass production. Paper wallpapers were now affordable even for people with little money and experienced an incredible rise in the course of the 19th century. Wallpapering itself remained very popular until the 1980s.

Wallpaper qualities

Nowadays, wallpaper manufacturers use a wide variety of materials. Granules are scattered on the carrier material, beads and rhinestones are glued on and even points of light are processed.

Non-woven wallpaper

The non-woven wallpapers are particularly popular. They are color-fast, dimensionally stable and can even bridge or hide smaller cracks. The processing is easy, because when attaching not the wallpaper, but the wall is pasted. The soft season is also eliminated. And because they are particularly tear-resistant, they can be easily removed when dry. The non-woven wallpaper is today number one among the types of wallpaper. She has replaced the paper wallpaper, which was put on the wall for a long time due to a lack of alternatives. Paper wallpaper still exists today, but it is no longer as long as it was 100 years ago. This is primarily due to the processing, because paper wallpapers take a few minutes to soak.

Vinyl wallpaper

With vinyl wallpapers, vinyl is applied to the substrate, either as a compact layer or foamed. The Marburger Tapetenfabrik played a significant part in the development of the foamed version, also known as profile wallpaper. It was the laboratory manager at the time who made the first attempts at the home (newly purchased) stove in the early 1970s because his oven in the company did not reach the required temperature. The vinyl wallpapers were only available on paper, now also on non-woven backing. They are popular for their easy cleaning.

Paintable wallpaper

Paintable wallpapers are very popular because they can be painted in the desired color and thus offer almost infinite design options. Here too, the non-woven wallpaper comes first because of its easy processing. Textile wallpapers are rarely used. They are more suitable for luxurious rooms. Either individual threads are laminated onto the backing material or the textile fabric is completely applied. Such wallpapers can also be printed, which makes them appear even more elegant.

The photo wallpaper is currently experiencing an upswing due to digital printing. The motifs are printed - usually on fleece backing - as a multi-part mural or as a whole. The Marburg wallpaper factory can (theoretically) even deliver infinitely long prints for walls up to 3.08 meters high - without a single seam.

To part 2, part 3, part 4 and part 5 of the series


The Marburg

wallpaper factory, founded in 1845, is one of the oldest and most renowned wallpaper factories in Europe and produces exclusively in Kirchhain, not far from Marburg. High-quality wallpapers are a focus of the full range in the upmarket segment, innovations

such as granulate finishing, special pigments and light applications

changed the wallpaper product.

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