Table of contents:
- The color scheme in the cityscape of Wangen im Allgäu is based on a color master plan
- Recommended color combinations "Hello Yellow"
- Color matrix from the NCS system, with all shades of a basic tone
- Palace in Wangen im Allgäu
- These facade tones form the basic colors of "Hello Yellow"
- practice plus

Video: Architecture & Color Planning (5)

In some cities or municipalities, rules for the use of colors in the cityscape are established.
This so-called color planning provides the basis for the facade design. If color guidance planning is anchored in the design statute of a city or municipality, the question arises as to how to use and deal with these laws. In addition to the shape of buildings or building details, the respective materials give our cities their typical local appearance. Depending on the history of the origin of a big city, a small town or a village, certain building types, roof shapes and facade designs have emerged. Also constructive details such as B. the half-timbered buildings are very different regionally. Depending on local integration, materials also play an important role in the design of buildings. The design statutes issued by the cities and municipalities essentially aim at these two dimensions of design.
The color scheme in the cityscape of Wangen im Allgäu is based on a color master plan
Photo: Matthias Grönen
The increase in simple plaster buildings since the beginning of the last century, be it the buildings from the 1930s, 1950s and especially the post-war 1960s and 1970s, has given our cities a rather dreary, predominantly white and gray appearance. Thanks to the new technical possibilities of coloring plasters or producing and then using more light and weather-resistant colors, the color has found its way into architecture. Until the end of the 19th century it was not possible to apply saturated colors to a facade, but this has changed with the further development of color and coating technology. Today, it is almost no problem to get lightness values of 25 percent on the facade - the only question here is the appropriate use of color for architecture. A house is not the same as a vehicle or a design product. Since design errors can also occur in the cityscape through the use of color, the cities and municipalities have included the color theme in their design statutes. This is either dealt with in just one or two sentences or, as e.g. For example, in the city of Siegen, it is illuminated down to the last detail - in other words, right down to the color nuances. Rules for the use of colors in the cityscape are drawn up here, which make it easier for the user to develop a color concept for certain projects. This is either dealt with in just one or two sentences or, as e.g. For example, in the city of Siegen, it is illuminated down to the last detail - in other words, right down to the color nuances. Rules for the use of colors in the cityscape are set up here, which make it easier for the user to develop a color concept for certain projects. This is either dealt with in just one or two sentences or, as e.g. For example, in the city of Siegen, it is illuminated down to the last detail - in other words, right down to the color nuances. Rules for the use of colors in the cityscape are drawn up here, which make it easier for the user to develop a color concept for certain projects.
Overview of the colors from the NCS system. Example from the color guide of the city of Siegen.
Images: City of Siegen
Since color master planning is part of these design regulations, the local building regulations refer to certain, designated areas of a city. These areas are delimited by parcels with the house numbers of the objects in question. Plans with the associated scope can be viewed at the respective city planning authority.
Recommended color combinations "Hello Yellow"
A completely different idea developed in the city of Neustadt in the Black Forest. The idea arose here not to develop a color concept for the city center as a regulation from the authorities, but out of the will and desire of the population. The "Hello Yellow" color concept was developed in collaboration with a color studio, and committed citizens campaigned for the application and compliance with certain color specifications.
Color matrix from the NCS system, with all shades of a basic tone
A basic statement contained in a color master plan is to look at facades according to three criteria. First, a facade usually shows the actual facade color on plaster, wood or other material substrates. This is the coloring factor that determines the appearance of the individual building or row of houses in a grown cityscape. Secondly, there is the so-called accent color, which is often used in contrast to the facade color, and thirdly, you should always assign a neutral color to the composition in order to give the eye a little calm in contrast to the color and to give the color a different weight.
Palace in Wangen im Allgäu
Facade colors: We refer to the actual facade color of the object as the base color. The basic color is defined by the respective local material such as. B. plaster, metal, wood, glass or natural stone. The lion's share of our facades in Germany is mainly determined by a wide variety of cleaning materials. The basic color takes up the largest part of the facade area and dominates the main color impression of the facade. When using several materials, one can also speak of two or more basic colors. Façade shades are usually found in the less saturated color range, the simple rule of application: "The smaller (the area), the purer" (the color may be) should always be observed. Color coding is taken from common color order systems such as the NCS,the RAL design or the ACC system is up to the designer. The facade color cards from paint manufacturers are also suitable for this purpose.
Accent colors: These generally somewhat stronger shades can be used to emphasize and emphasize certain components and facade elements. Examples of this are the highlighting of doors or windows and window frames, rungs, plastering, parapet elements, pilaster strips, shutters or bay windows. The accent color contrasts primarily with the given primary colors. For example, most window and door manufacturers today work with the RAL K5 fan for color specifications, which is mainly used in this area.
These facade tones form the basic colors of "Hello Yellow"
Images: Sto AG
With the contrasts, the cold-warm contrast, the light-dark contrast and the quality contrast according to Johannes Itten can help us again and again.
Neutral colors: plinth areas or stairways and staircases are often offset in neutral shades of gray or tertiary. Tertiary shades contain parts of all three basic colors, always have an earthy character and have a soothing and balancing effect on the human eye. These colors are indispensable on the facade, because a color only works through its surrounding color - and a neutral tone makes a color appear particularly effective. The neutral color remains in the background, makes the other colors appear, it is less sensitive to dirt and environmental influences. Recently, the neutral color has also been given another special status: Whole facades are - for fashion reasons? - painted in different nuanced shades of gray. In addition, white still occupies the first place in the color design as a facade tone, because many homeowners stick to the motto: "Better white than wrong color".
practice plus
The city of Siegen has published an exemplary design statute with a color master plan for its citizens. Here it can be viewed on the Internet.
Prof. Matthias
Grönen, HS Esslingen Malerblatt 11/2016