Company & market 2023

Read And Keep

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Read And Keep
Read And Keep

Video: Read And Keep

Video: Read And Keep
Video: How To Read A Book A Week - 3 PROVEN Tricks 2023, March

There is no substitute for specialist newspapers like the one you are currently holding. In the now much cited Stavanger statement, the researchers unanimously say that paper will remain the most important reading medium for texts, especially when it comes to those that you want to understand and keep. Reading cannot be stopped or toped.

Vocational Training Pact

The madness for academics is over. In any case, the professor of philosophy and political theory, Julian Nida-Rümelin, says and confirms this in an interview. He also pointed out that vocational training in the three German-speaking countries is undeniably the best in the world and is therefore being copied by others. At the same time, he also complained that our vocational schools were poorly equipped in all areas of the German education system and proposed a "Pact for Vocational Training", in which politicians, unions and business should invest as many billions as in universities. Do you tackle such a pact?

Nice picture

That was a nice picture in a big daily newspaper: A bunch of young, happy people, all holding a hand banner with the inscription: "German master" in the camera. The colored photo illustrated the report on the hands-free celebration of the master craftsmen in the Paulskirche in Frankfurt. The fact that the speech was given this time by the President of the German Football Association was also a popular idea.

Don't turn on my buddy

In Hesse, a trade union-initiated competition came to an end, in which apprentices were able to submit their own projects on the topic "Don't turn on my buddy!" The best ideas were awarded with attractive cash prizes. I thought that was an excellent idea.

The more the sooner

If you had thought that: the more someone earns, the more likely he is to have undeclared workers. A recent study found that, but also that 80 percent of Germans who hired a craftsman last year were satisfied with their performance and price. The interviewers asked the representative. From an operational perspective, it is of course much more important to know whether and how satisfied your own customers are. I found this in the painter's brochure "Seconds Seminars", which has already been cited several times: What is the use of the routine "Did it taste good?" If it has already been swallowed? That is why we are now asking the customer whether he is satisfied during the order processing.

Worm in the tower

The local advisory board nodded my suggestion to form a thumb gap in the new plaster of the historic defense tower as a horizontal boundary for repairs after smearings to be feared, for example at the height of the household ladder, but then it probably buckled in relation to youngsters from the historic preservation department. Young people quickly located the exemplary restored monument from the 15th century as a “fat part” and provided the mineral paint with an “upgrade” made of fat chalk. Of course, I also didn't get the reset sample that I also suggested, but I got the Grafitti away, together with a local politician who spontaneously came up with soap and water. Together we came up with the idea of our random partnershipto apply local partnerships for such monuments partnerships. After all, our professionals are towering over the committed laypersons when it comes to removing Grafitti. Such a sponsorship would cost the companies something, but in a wash up such a commitment also signaled competence - and it would not be bad for the image either.

Heal with color

I have already reported several times on the subject of “healing with color” and also my own experiences and successes with the use of psychological and physiological color effects in the design of workplaces and spaces. A study by the University of Düsseldorf is once again proving what color can do as a function of light: under the influence of blue light, the upper blood pressure value dropped by 7.6 for all subjects within 30 minutes. The researchers say that this can be an interesting option - and perhaps an occasion for some painters to take the color effects into account when designing their rooms and to give them well-founded reasons. Healthy “feel-good living” is not just about asbestos, indoor climate and mold, but also about color effects. And we can participate.

100 years of Bauhaus

Of the many ideas and impulses that emanated from the legendary Bauhaus, which is now being recognized everywhere when it was founded 100 years ago, I particularly liked one from the field of training: the applicants first had to learn the basics from the professors for a semester or two learn and demonstrate their talent before they could actually begin their studies - as apprentices. Yes, you read that correctly: The actual study at the Bauhaus consisted of learning a trade as an apprentice - with well-known teachers like Klee, Kandinsky or Feininger, who were called masters and understood themselves as such. They led many of their apprentices to great mastery.


Author Werner Schledt was for decades a business consultant and association manager in the Hessian painting and varnishing trade.

Werner Schledt

Gangstrasse 35 c

60388 Frankfurt / Main

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