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Video: Customer Approach. Successful Offer

What makes an offer successful? Not only the price, but also the right approach to the customer. How you can significantly increase the chances of an order with your offer. An offer is a clear thing. It is about services, products and their costs. You can think like that. Or: You can think ahead. Experience shows that if a customer has three, four or five offers, he will be at a loss at some point. In fact, they describe more or less the same thing. This also means that all offers are the same in his eyes. The bottom line, then, is the only differentiating criterion: price. If you want to get out of this trap, you should see and present more than the factual aspects in the offer. Because at least as important as doing a "good deal" is for most customers to have a "good feeling" when placing an order. Can I really trust this company? Will he finish the work clean and on time? And above all: did he really understand what I want from him? If a recipient of the offer gets this feeling, he is even willing to give preference to the more expensive offer. This emotionally positive backdrop is not only created in the offer with standard sentences such as: "We assure you of high quality work." Or "We would be happy if our offer suits you." The customer would like that more individually. This emotionally positive backdrop is not only created in the offer with standard sentences such as: "We assure you of high quality work." Or "We would be happy if our offer suits you." The customer would like that more individually. This emotionally positive backdrop is not only created in the offer with standard sentences such as: "We assure you of high quality work." Or "We would be happy if our offer suits you." The customer would like that more individually.
Type-appropriate offer
Does that mean that you have to think of a new “novel” for every offer? No. It is helpful that you can work very individually with three different types of speech. They address three basic emotional patterns. According to the type model, every person belongs to one of the three customer types red, green or blue. The blue guy is characterized by a strong mental emphasis - facts are his hobbyhorse. The green type is a relationship man with a great need for harmony - he can be convinced by arguments that appeal to the senses as well as by a balanced form. Finally, the red guy: These dominant people are restless dynamics who want to see results and get bored with details quickly. how to formulate and compile your offer according to type.
Thrilling entry
You already guessed it: a personally formulated cover letter is of course part of an individual, type-specific offer. Here you have the opportunity to show that you have understood the general needs and specific wishes of your potential customer and know how to address them appropriately. Draw the red, blue or green card right from the start. This is how the different wording can sound:
- Dear Mr. Red, the redesign of your stylish living room is an appealing task. We would like to put your ideas into practice quickly, perfectly and unmistakably …
- Dear Mr. Green, a change of scenery in the living room awakens the spirits, doesn't it? We are pleased that you have shared your wishes with us. Today you hold our suggestions for a harmonious redesign of your living room with this offer in hand …
- Dear Mr. Blau, you would like a contemporary living room. One that convinces you with its lasting value and ease of maintenance. In this offer, we have put together all the details that were important to you. Check in peace. We would be happy to support you in a nutshell….
Apt company portrait
In the cover letter there is of course space to say something about your strengths and briefly introduce your company. The three customer types are concerned with different aspects: Type Red is primarily interested in your performance. In your “red” company portrait, be sure to include details about your personnel capacities and your good organization, as well as references to your good reputation (e.g. prominent references, winning prizes, etc.). Type green is noisy when it comes to interpersonal and aesthetic qualities goes. So mention in your “green” company portrait aspects such as the particular friendliness of your employees, their creative ability and also the social commitment of your company. You should also emphasize the quality of your personal advice and support. The blue type is particularly responsive to what is objectively measurable. Feed people with this state of mind with facts about your company that underline your competence. The mention of certificates and quality seals is particularly well received here. The "blue" are less interested in the friendliness of your employees than their qualifications. The core of the offer is and remains the individual service items. However, here too, consider the special preferences of your customers: Type Red quickly gets bored with details, which, however, are inevitable in terms of performance. Build a bridge for this type by placing related positions under a clearly recognizable heading and thus clearly summarizing them for quick orientation. Green also loves clear structures,but with sober item lists he lacks a view of the nice end result. Treat this type to brief introductions to the related service positions, in which you write the result of these items. Type Blue is in its element for detailed tables. You don't have to write “poems around” here. Even more: he is interested in all the facts down to the last detail. You are welcome to name this type of other advantages of your product and service suggestions. With many offers, it makes sense to make the customer feel like your service with further information - and to set your offer apart from others. Here, too, the type model provides guidelines for possible types of addition: Type red is interested in the big picture. Meaningful examples are of particular interest to him for artwork. Include appropriate photo material here. Green has well developed senses. Small wallpaper, flooring or coating samples greatly enhance the offer for him. Type Blue is enthusiastic about facts. Technical information sheets or specialist articles, suitable for the offer, satisfy his thirst for knowledge and meet his need for security.
Round package
Accurate offers have a huge advantage: you have to write a lot less about them. When optimizing your own offer design, you can also get help from professionals like the Brillux Customer Club. From the offer folder, which emphasizes the value of the offer, to individual text modules for cover letters, all services for member companies are available. Accurate offers have one advantage: you have to write much less about them.
Contact the Brillux Customer Club: Brillux Customer Club Nina Gravermann Weseler Straße 401 48163 Münster Tel.: (0251) 7188-759, Fax: -439 [email protected]