Table of contents:
- Comparison of thermal insulation composite systems
- Take customer concerns seriously
- Viewed from the customer's perspective
- Economical and proven: EPS
- Mineral wool: safety and comfort
- Ecologically at the forefront: natural fibers
- Phenolic resin and PU: when things get tight
- Anything but monotonous
- Comparison of thermal insulation composite systems: 7 questions - 7 answers
Video: Comparison Of Thermal Insulation Composite Systems - Which Is The Right One?
All thermal insulation composite systems have one thing in common: they keep the heat inside, thus reducing heating costs and ensuring comfort. But which aspects are important to the customer? Should the system be particularly economical, extremely secure, but rather ecological or even stylish? It is important to find out in order to offer the customer the right system on an emotional level.
Author: Susanne Sachsenmaier-Wahl | Photos: Caparol
The days when heating energy was comparatively cheap and there were no requirements for thermal protection are long gone. If the Federal Government's ambitious energy saving targets are to be achieved by 2020 (20 percent reduction) and 2050 (80 percent reduction), uninsulated buildings are hardly acceptable. But the residents also appreciate the advantages of thermal insulation. Because (old) uninsulated buildings quickly lose their heat in the cold season. Due to the temperature difference between the (cool) wall surface and the (warm) room air, the living environment is often perceived as drafty and cool, even if there is intensive heating. In order to achieve a comfortable climate, it is important to minimize high heat losses - ideally with external insulation. Occasion for usto present different thermal insulation composite systems in comparison.
Comparison of thermal insulation composite systems
Thanks to the warming shell, the interior warms up faster and the walls no longer feel cold. Comfort moves in. A positive side effect: less heating energy is required and heating costs are reduced. At the same time, the environment is relieved of carbon dioxide. Nina Hastert, Caparol insulation marketing manager, sums it up as follows: “Today's thermal insulation composite systems offer more than just the relevant statements. ETICS perform a variety of functions that most are not even aware of. Weather protection, cold and heat protection combined with the optimal feel-good climate, energy savings, problem solvers for critical substrates, the basis for diverse designs, robust and durable surfaces and the value retention or increase in value of a property."
Take customer concerns seriously
Despite the many positive effects that a thermal insulation composite system brings with it, many homeowners are skeptical of the same. Sometimes it is the fear of the flammability of the insulation material, then the fear that the house will be packed in an airtight envelope. Some people see the disposal of the insulation system as a problem after its lifespan, and others fear the appearance of their building if they have facade insulation installed. Amortization of an ETICS is also questioned by many home owners. The brochure "Energetic Building Refurbishment - Against the False Myths", published by the German Environmental Aid (DUH), can serve as an argument for such concerns of the customer. With this argumentation paper, the DUH wants to clear up the most important prejudices against the energetic renovation of buildings and help to objectify the debate.
Even if the above-mentioned concerns of homeowners can all be relatively easily refuted by specialist knowledge, they often leave the customer with a bad feeling. In many cases, technical information is simply not enough to really convince the customer of an insulation measure. Rather, the customer has to be emotionally convinced and have a good feeling when making a decision. Nina Hastert: "We are seeing that more and more people are daring to listen to important decisions at the same time."
Viewed from the customer's perspective
As a provider of thermal insulation composite systems, Caparol has decided to look at facade insulation primarily with the eyes of the customer. In order to make the core benefits of every facade system immediately tangible, technical system names were primarily replaced by highly emotionalizing value propositions. Nina Hastert played a leading role in this process. Hastert knows why it is so important to offer the right ETICS to the customer: “The right ETICS decides for the customer on both factual and emotional aspects. In the factual area, of course, the focus is on the profitability of the chosen measure. In addition, the emotional viewpoints are just as important and must always be considered. "The customer should be able to say:" That is exactly what I was looking for."
Renewable, mineral or organic? Are the focus on ecology, safety, economy, gaining living space, fire protection or design diversity? It is important to find out. In the following you will find a comparison of different thermal insulation composite systems. Different facade insulation systems are explained and their advantages and disadvantages are listed. In addition, the emotional aspects of the respective system are supplemented and tips for defusing prejudices are given.
Economical and proven: EPS
About two thirds of all facade insulation is done with EPS - which is why they are at the beginning of the overview "Comparison of thermal insulation composite systems". What makes polystyrene so popular? “Polystyrene is a lightweight, easy to process, easy to cut and coat insulation material. Add to that the very good insulation performance,”explains Nina Hastert. On the construction site, EPS insulation boards can also be processed without additional protective measures such as breathing masks or protective suits, since they are fiber-free. Because EPS is almost rot-proof (but still recyclable), it is very durable. Even after decades on the facade, EPS has a consistently high level of insulation, since the trapped air retains its insulating properties for decades. EPS also permanently resists moisture and is relatively robust against thermal and physical loads. Finally, expanded polystyrene is extremely inexpensive.
So EPS is always the first choice when it comes to profitability and efficiency. Caparol has therefore given its EPS facade insulation systems the name "Economy". The customer who simply wants to comply with regulations and save heating energy will be delighted with EPS insulation.
But even reservations about EPS can often be quickly defused. "First of all, the requirement profile should always be clarified and any reservations discussed," advises Nina Hastert and adds: For example, elasticized insulation panels are available that do not worsen the building's sound insulation rating.”The negative headlines of the recent past can usually also be weakened by specialist knowledge. For example, Hastert notes the following about the disposal problem: "Sorted cuts of the insulation material are collected in bags and returned to the manufacturing plant for further use."
Mineral wool: safety and comfort
Another classic among facade insulation materials is mineral wool. "Non-combustibility is the decisive criterion for mineral wool", Nina Hastert is certain. But of course that's not the only argument that speaks for mineral wool. Mineral wool has optimal properties in terms of sound insulation. The interwoven fibers absorb noises that arise in or around the house. Mineral wool has similar insulation properties to polystyrene and is attractively priced. The insulation is usually water-repellent, which means that the material is resistant to mold and rot. However, it should be noted that damp or wet mineral wool loses its insulating effect.
The disadvantage is that mineral wool consists of fibers, which can cause an uncomfortable feeling when it comes into contact with the skin (itching). However, this affects the customer, if at all, at most during the insulation phase. Respirable fiber dusts that can cause cancer are no longer contained in today's plates. For around 20 years now only mineral wool insulation materials that are not suspected of cancer have been approved in this country.
Even if the processing of thermal insulation composite systems made of mineral wool is not always pleasant, Caparol still calls its mineral wool insulation systems "Comfort". Because the name applies from the customer's point of view. And mineral wool insulation primarily promises security and tranquility.
Ecologically at the forefront: natural fibers
One thing in advance: Every ETICS is strictly ecological. Because after a short while, every insulation material saved more energy than was used in its manufacture. But when it comes to ecological insulation systems, the type of insulation is usually meant. “Ecological insulation materials such as hemp are clearly in vogue. Natural insulation materials are a useful addition to the existing insulation materials,”is Nina Hasterts opinion. Renewable raw materials conserve resources. They also prolong the natural CO2 cycle because no stored CO2 is released, as would be the case when the plants rot. In addition to hemp, e.g. B. wood, cork, coconut or straw to the renewable insulation materials.
In addition to high sound insulation, ecological insulation materials usually also offer good thermal insulation. According to Caparol, the thermal conductivity of hemp insulation, for example, is similar to that of wood fiber insulation boards at 0.04 to 0.045 W / (mK). For comparison: Styrofoam has a thermal conductivity of 0.032 to 0.04, glass wool to 0.035 to 0.045 W / (mK).
Of course, natural insulation materials do not only have advantages. Example fire protection: hemp insulation e.g. B. belongs to building material class B2, which corresponds to a normal flammable material. Polystyrene, for comparison, meets building material class B1 (flame-retardant), mineral wool is considered non-flammable (A1). However, the significantly higher acquisition costs of ecological facade insulation are likely to be particularly serious. A Caparol hemp insulation board costs around 32 euros per square meter. For comparison: a square meter of mineral wool costs 21 euros, styrofoam is around 12 euros per square meter.
However, if the customer is willing to spend more on their insulation, insulation materials such as wood, cork and the like are definitely to be preferred - above all because they are renewable and climate-friendly materials. And the good feeling of having done something for the environment remains. Nina Hastert knows: “People do what they think is right. In the face of climate change, many understand the need to change their behavior sustainably, to throw old habits overboard and to orientate themselves to new standards."
Phenolic resin and PU: when things get tight
The building to be insulated has a low roof overhang or is the development on the property boundary? Given the horrendous land prices in metropolitan areas, should the living space be at a maximum? Then particularly efficient insulation is required. Nina Hastert sums it up like this: “High-performance insulation materials are an advantage when it comes to saving insulation material thickness with the same insulation performance. If the space is not available, e.g. For example on balconies, arcades, loggias, these insulation materials can be just the thing."
Phenolic resin hard foam (or resol hard foam) has a thermal conductivity of 0.22 W / (mK), polyurethane (PU hard foam) is only marginally worse at 0.24 W / (mK). These materials insulate around 30 percent better than EPS and almost twice as good as standard mineral wool. In other words: With comparable insulation performance, phenolic resin or PU insulation often has to be designed to be half or a third less thick than conventional insulation, which quickly creates a few centimeters of space. Thinner insulation also offers advantages in soffits, since this prevents the dreaded "embrasure effect". PU and phenolic resin are flame retardant and do not melt, which is why they can be used up to the skyscraper without a fire bolt.
And then there are the customers who chase every new trend who always want to be one step ahead. If you have such a customer, you should offer him high-performance insulation materials. He will probably like to spend more money if he is a nose ahead of his neighbors. His "performance" is worth it to him. Caparol also calls its insulation systems based on PU and phenolic resin the same. Since these insulation materials are still relatively new, you will conclude our overview "Comparison of thermal insulation composite systems".
Anything but monotonous
At the end of the overview "Comparison of thermal insulation composite systems", one aspect will be dealt with that affects all systems equally. The prejudice that insulated facades all look the same is surprisingly persistent. “Unfortunately, optical monotony often goes hand in hand with an exclusive economic orientation. But that does not have to be the case, there are now innumerable design options for thermal insulation composite systems. It is more about ingenuity in planning and implementation,”emphasizes Nina Hastert. The variety of textures and colors of modern plasters is almost unlimited - there are also hard coverings such as natural stone, ceramics or glass mosaic. In addition, creative techniques are available to make a building aesthetic. Style facades can be approximated to their former appearance with prefabricated architectural elements. Insulated facades often look even more interesting than they were before. “Creative techniques and the use of effects in design are currently more and more in focus. So it is a potpourri of possibilities from which the individual can choose for himself and his building,”summarizes Nina Hastert. Caparol simply calls the ETICS surface design products "Capatect Design" - which should say it all.from which the individual can choose for himself and his building,”summarizes Nina Hastert. Caparol simply calls the ETICS surface design products "Capatect Design" - which should say it all.from which the individual can choose for himself and his building,”summarizes Nina Hastert. Caparol simply calls the ETICS surface design products "Capatect Design" - which should say it all.
To the DUH information brochure
Comparison of thermal insulation composite systems: 7 questions - 7 answers
Nina Hastert answers the question: Which ETICS is recommended, if
- the price is in the foreground? "Ecomomy"
- safety comes first? "Comfort"
- sound insulation plays a major role? "Nature hemp", "Comfort"
- the focus is on the longevity of the system? Each
- Are customers particularly concerned about the environment and health? All
- the customer obviously always follows the latest trends? "Performance"
- there is little space for insulation or the customer does not want a "loop hole effect"? "Performance"
Further system information: